The oldest, most time-tested system of natural medicine, Ayurveda, emerged from the Vedic Civilization of Ancient India. Even today it is widely used in India, and increasingly in the world.

Maharishi Ayurveda consists of a series of approaches, which encompass all aspects of life: mind, body, behaviour and environment. It brings knowledge of how to live life in accord with natural law, creating and maintaining balance in the physiology, leading naturally to good health.

The treatments of Maharishi Ayurveda stabilize this balance and eliminate impurities in the physiology in a natural manner. Prevention plays a key role in the maintenance of good health.
The treatments offered by the Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center are thus suitable both for healthy individuals seeking relaxation, and those seeking relief from a variety of ailments.

In recent years the top experts in the field, under the guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, have revitalized this ancient knowledge in its completeness. The resulting system of Maharishi Ayurveda is your guarantee of the highest quality.
Ayurveda distinguishes between three fundamental principles (Doshas), Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These doshas are found at the basis of all of nature, including the human body. For good health and normal physiological functioning it is important that the natural balance of the doshas is maintained in the individual. Balance is regained through various approaches that neutralize disturbing influences, such as toxins in the body.
Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centre · CH-6377 Seelisberg
Tel. +41/ 41-825 07 00 · Fax +41/ 41-825 07 01 · email: